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Якорь 1

Contracts, Foreign Economic Activities, Economic Disputes, M&A, Legal Due Diligence

KDK Partners offer legal services for maintenance and support in Ukraine of businesses of legal entities and private entrepreneurs (residents and non-residents). We solve the Client’s tasks with regard to current legislation, court practices and controlling authorities’ opinions. To ensure compliance of Your activities with applicable legal requirements we constantly perform verbal and written consultations on issues of legal nature, preparation and analysis of deeds, contracts, and other legal documents, as well as representation in courts, in relations with state authorities, other enterprises and citizens.

We offer comprehensive approach to solve Your tasks in the field of:


Corporate Law:

  • Incorporation, reorganization and liquidation of legal entities;

  • Support for M&A deals (acquisition/alienation of corporate rights, shares and other transactions related to change of corporate control);

  • Preparation of charters, regulations and other local acts of business entities;

  • Consultations regarding corporate management;

  • Carry out of general meetings of shareholders;

  • Corporate disputes resolutions;

  • Defense against hostile takeovers (corporate raiding) and corporate fraud.


Economic Law:

  • Legal coverage of business activity;

  • Provision of verbal and written consultations;

  • Preparation and alteration of agreements and other legal documents;

  • Representation in bodies of state authorities, local governments, law-enforcement authorities;

  • Acquisition of licenses and other permits;

  • Participation in public procurements;

  • Consultation regarding conduction of business via the Internet, including electronic commerce, defense against violations in the Internet;

  • Defense against unlawful interference in business activity on the part of controlling and law enforcement authorities;

  • Support of foreign economic activity;

  • Due Diligence – verification of compliance by a company of applicable legislation requirements on particular directions and drafting recommendations;

  • Contractors verification;

  • Execution and termination of employment relations, employment of foreigners;

  • Claim settlement, negotiating on behalf of the Client;

  • Economic disputes resolution (debt and damages recovery, termination of agreements, their avoidance, etc.);

  • Representation of debtor or creditor in bankruptcy procedure;

  • Representation in the European Court of Human Rights.


Lawyer of tax practice of KDK Partners have extensive work experience consulting on tax issues, including regarding appeal of decision of tax authorities in administrative and judicial process, have necessary knowledge necessary for legal support of transactions and their analysis in relation of correspondence to tax law norms.


We provide our clients with wide range of services in the field of tax law:

  • valuation of tax consequences of estimated transactions and investment projects, exposure and valuation of tax risks;

  • support of tax inspection from servicing summon for inspection to execution of act or certificate of inspection;

  • appeal of tax assessment notices and support of other tax disputes in all court instances;

  • provision of legal assistance during search and seizure;

  • consultation regarding taxation, including double taxation avoidance;

  • consultation regarding use of offshore jurisdictions.

Якорь 2

Tax disputes, valuation of tax risks, tax inspections

Якорь 3

Ability to use properly and protect own intellectual property is sometimes as important as ability to create it. Modern realities of doing business also require continuous search for answers to different questions in the sphere of intellectual property.

KDK Partners are ready to give answers to these questions important for our Clients. Our team in the sphere of intellectual property consists of experienced professionals able to solve successfully complex and extraordinary problems in the professional field.


Our services in the sphere of IP law:

  • Consultation on all issues regarding trade marks, patents, know-how, copyright and related rights, commercial concession (franchise), computer code and databases, domain names;

  • Support of intellectual property registration, introduction of intellectual property to a customs register;

  • Framing of all types of agreements, local acts and other documents in the sphere of intellectual property;

  • Management of transaction on acquisition and disposal of intellectual property, as well as concession and acquisition of rights (licenses) for their use;

  • Intellectual property rights protection and suppression of unfair competition (litigations to protect rights to trade marks and patents; disputes over rights to domain names; cancellation of state registration of trade marks; invalidation of patents; ban on issuance and introduction of counterfeit products, including termination of its unlawful import/export);

  • Legal review of intellectual property rights;

  • Business analysis in order to identify risks in the sphere of intellectual property and provision of recommendations concerning elimination of such risks;

  • Safeguarding employer rights on created by employees results of intellectual activity;

  • Consultation regarding introduction of non-disclosure and its protection;

  • Representation in relations with organizations of collective management of copyright and related rights.

Registration of trade marks and patents, intellectual property judicial protection

Якорь 4

Civil and family disputes, mediation, real estate transactions

KDK Partners provides consultations to citizens in the sphere of civil and family law, as well as services for settlement of civil and family disputes through pre-trial process and at all stages of litigation. Many years’ experience of our lawyers, knowledge and ability to apply peculiarities of applicable legislation, allow to predict possible procedural actions and define the best legal stance, which competent implementation will allow to complete the process successfully.

Basic services in the sphere of the civil law:

  • Provision of verbal and written consultations;

  • Preparation and legal due diligence of different civil law contracts: sale and purchase, exchange, gift, loan, engagement, work and labor, investment agreements, life care contracts, inheritance agreements, testaments, etc.;

  • Legal support of litigation: disputes arising during implementation of civil law agreements; indemnification of material and moral damages; annulment of civil law agreements; declaration of property rights; land disputes; consumer protection disputes; loan disputes, etc.;

  • Legal assistance during registration of inheritance rights (testate and intestate succession);

  • Support of enforcement proceeding;

  • Support in procedures of pre-trial disputes resolution, including mediation.


Basic services in the sphere of the family law:

  • Execution of agreements in the sphere of family relations: marriage contracts, alimony agreements, agreements on determination of place of residence and procedure of communication with a child, etc.;

  • Consultation and representation of the Clients in courts and other competent authorities on: registration and annulment of marriage; division of property; determination and protection of property and non-property rights of common-law partners; alimony legal matters; determination and contestation of parenthood, definition of child’s place of residence, establishment of communication procedure, education and child support by parents, who live separately; determination of custody and guardianship.

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